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St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Our Faith

At St. Anthony’s Primary School, one of the core drivers of our curriculum is ‘Faith and Spirituality’. Our faith is an integral part of everything we do as a school. While attending St Anthony’s, we aim to instil in our children Gospel values such as kindness, forgiveness, truthfulness, service and respect for themselves and others. These Gospel values are the foundations of our School Mission Statement:

“Let your words teach and your actions speak.”

We hope that these values will live with our children as they journey through life, and that they grow to see themselves and others as unique parts of God’s family – all different, yet all equal and all loved by God.

At St Anthony’s we believe Religious Education to be fundamental to the development of the academic, physical and spiritual development of our children and believe Religious Education is central to the educative mission of the Church.

We acknowledge and concur with the Bishops’ view of the importance of high quality Catholic Education: ‘At the heart of Catholic education lies the Christian vision of the human person. This vision is explored in religious education (RE) making RE the core subject in a Catholic school. The specific contribution to the life of the Catholic school of curriculum RE is primarily educational. Its primary purpose is to draw pupils into a systematic study of Catholic Christianity and to explore the contribution of Christianity and other religions to culture, personal commitment and action in everyday life.’

We are very fortunate to be part of a wonderful parish, St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross and work alongside our sister parish Catholic School, St Walburga's. We use the church regularly for the celebration of Mass, and during the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to share the online Masses and services with our families.


Our Faith