Class 5
Class teacher - Mrs. Khedapa
Hello and welcome to our Class 5 webpage!
- Monday: Times tables test
- Monday and Thursday are PE days
- Thursday Homework to be returned to school.
- Friday Homework will be sent out for the following Thursday, Spelling Tests are on Fridays, Library books can be changed.
If you missed our information session please find the information here:
parents information session c5.pdf
Our RE Topic for this half term is ' Exploring the Mass'
This is the knowledge organiser for this topic:
St Bede's and St Joseph's Newsletters can be viewed here
Our class long term plan
teaching and learning curriclum 2022 sas.pdf
Homework- Will be sent out every Friday and children will be expected to return it by Thursday.
Spellings - Will be given out every Friday and tested every following Friday.
Reading- Please try and read with the children for 10 minutes at least 4 times a week.
Physical education- We have PE on Mondays and Thursdays so children will need come to school in the correct PE kits.
Access daily lessons here for free:
Access free resources here: